There is no hiding the fact that I am a bit of a Feminist. As someone who views
humans in a (but not singularly) sexual nature...I like hot women (and men)
too. I am friends with not-hot men and women too, but I admit that I give them
less attention than those I am attracted to. This remains a personal issue,
and doesn't affect my professional life either...hell all it does is open up
twice as many opportunities for hotness.
That said I too have been hearing a lot of talk about feminism and sexism
since Hillary conceded the race, my friend. Of course I am for a woman being in power. Hell why wouldn't I be? Of course you make some good points, however, you fail to forget that a presidency is not JUST one person. Clinton (mind you I wouldn't
have actually voted for either of the dem's in this election... I STILL CRINGE AT THE THOUGHT OF MY CHOICE NOW) has something that her male opponent doesn't have. 30+ years of political power and leadership experience. She understands what it's like to be a working mother (Something 40% of all registered voters have been at one time or another.....). She knows when to defer to her cabinet and when to keep quiet and conversely when to speak out. (better than some male higher ups today).
You think that beautiful women have EDIT: ONLY RECENTLY (never) taken up this cause, might I ad that you have not named one "hot woman" who has currently taken up the cause?? I am going to take a moment and give several examples from several decades from all over the world and all HOT within their own time, with names
Nellie Tayloe Ross, first woman Governor...Wyoming, U.S.

Mcenna, Scotland Circa 1913

Clay, 11-1909, Virginia then Kentucky, U.S., Older but certainly no hag by that days standards

and Laura Clay, sister to Anne Clay, Virginia, U.S.

Laura Clay, who in my opinion is the hotter of the two sisters (who
doesn't like hot sisters!?! talk about turn of the century scandal!) Was the
leader of the Virginia Equal Suffrage League. Anne's home was host to the organizational event and both women are documented for the next 20+ years as avid supporters of women’s rights in the U.S.
And to requite your statement about how far women can get without being beautiful and in Disney movies???? How bout
Chief Justice Sandra Day O’Conner??? Who has to be the poster child for this side of the statement. Wide set eyes, never pretty, flat nose, man hands, could NEVER have used her looks to get where she got and has since succefully after 24 years on the United States Supreme Court, retired to spend time with her husband and grand children. She is Educated, married and was a working mother and grand mother...Should I go on?
Or how
Carol Channing and Lily Tomlin
Or how bout
something more current and in the entertainment arena...
Patmore-Gibbs was named executive vice president, Drama Development, ABC
Entertainment in June 2007

not a dog but certainly has the power day to day to shape what we see on television. but i begin to digress...
Hillary is not a bad example of being a strong woman. Hillary is guilty of letting politics interfere with her personal decisions. Just like many men have used the people in their lives to gain power, she has used her lieing cheater of a prick ex-president husband to help her up the corporate ladder just as well as many men have used their wife’s to cater power dinners and gain status and popularity amongst their peers. Not to mention the Ivy League educated secretaries and assistants they
hire to do research, development and presentation preparation. So What, she did it in the public eye??? Men do it all the time, just in a quieter fashion.
I too blame sexism today on women for continually allowing their bodies to be photographed in compromising situations. However, let's just qualify this statement with...a woman would never (well most heh) pay money to download Paris Hilton having sex. Paris may make me sick, but even without her granpa's munney...she'll never starve as long as men are willing to fork out their hard earned cash to see her non-original pale boney ass naked or performing like a circus monkey in a dominatrix costume or flopping around in a champagne glass THINKING she was copying Dita, who copied Shirley McLain...Who might I add was not that HOT and never stared in a Disney movie.
I've never been kicked in the balls, I don’t have them... however I have been stared in the chest and my intelleegant edjamakated statements have been ignored due to my assets. And yes I have had dirty looks because I have hit people... so what? I may not have the perfect body, but it's beautiful. And I have had to pay full price for drinks from a straight bartender because of thick ass and round face... however... you don't see me crying in my beer about it.
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